Monday, May 16, 2011

Sentence Expansion

Example- The extremely efficient student disclosed his absolutely adorable girlfriend the incredible breaking news.

1. The quite confident woman glanced at her first winning lucky lottery ticket.

2. The cool energetic boy who stroked the ball forcibly is our school football team captain.

3. The deeply disappointed man who heard the distinct disturbing noise from his backyard is completely annoyed.

4. The huge eminent movie star that makes the exciting news again was caught taking drugs.

5. She ordered that irresistible organic food from the new restaurant.

6. The absolutely exhausted pedestrian who witnessed the disastrous accident is my neighbor.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Role Reversal (Introductory Paragraph)

As we all know that aging is a natural cycle and we all pass through this

 phase sooner or later in our life. And no matter how much you love your parents,

somehow your life gets disrupted due to aging and other health related problems.

In my opinion, aging brings negative effects in our life. Undoubtedly, in most cases

as our parents start getting older they tend to suffer from health problems.

Furthermore, parents loss their independence and conceivably become more frail

and needy. Hence, children get to be caregiver for their parents who may pose

several persistent challenges which are as follow.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Unforgettable Scene in the Restaurant

I was with my friend at this fine Italian restaurant enjoying our
meal when a couple walked in. They were seated at a table next to
us. For some apparent reason, the man was in a sour mood.
Accidentally, I overheard fragments of their conversation, and the
man confessed to his wife that he was not satisfied with the
restaurant she had picked.

Meanwhile, the wife was enjoying herself and she placed an
order for wine and the main dish from the menu.  Moments later,
the waiter served them their meal and left. The man took a first sip of
his soup and he realized that he needs to add some salt and pepper
 to make it taste better. Then he sprinkled some salt and pepper and
started to stir his soup.  Suddenly, he saw a fly in the soup and
exclaimed to his wife to take a look.

It was obvious that he was very upset and screamed at
the waiter to come to his table immediately. He demanded to know
why he had not seen the fly  before he served it to a guest.

 Then he started insulting him openly and said that he was
a stupid waiter. He demanded to talk to his manager right away.

Eventually the wife got so nervous because the man had created
an ugly scene in the restaurant. At that point, she tried to calm him down
by pulling his arm. However, the man had evidently made a mountain
out of a molehill.

  Nevertheless, the waiter didn't mind the situation at all. In fact, it
seemed like he had been looking for an excuse to leave his job.
The waiter told him upfront to his face that he quit his job and told
 him to enjoy his soup. Then he took off his apron and left the

The wife got so upset and embarrassed because the man
had ruined her dinner and caused such a big commotion in the
restaurant. She got up and walked out on him while the man stood
there with a baffled expression on his face. I wondered if he had even
 realized the fact that he had not just ruined her dinner but ours, too.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Unforgettable Scene in the Restaurant ( Indirect speech)

Group members: Magdalena, Mohammad and Tenzin

I was with my friend in this fine Italian restaurant enjoying our
meal when a couple walked in. They were seated at a table next to
us. In some ways it seemed for some apparent reason, the man was in
sour mood. Accidentally, I overheard their fragments of conversation,
and the man confessed to his wife that he was not satisfied with the
restaurant she picked.

Meanwhile, the wife was enjoying herself and she placed an
order for a wine and the main dish from the menu.  A moment later,
the waiter served them their order and left.  Suddenly, the man
exclaimed to his wife and asked her to look at the fly in his soup.

It was obvious that he got so pissed off and screamed at
the waiter to come to his table immediately. He asked him why he
had not seen the dish before he served it to a guest.

 Then he started insulting him openly and said that he was
a stupid waiter. He demanded that he needs to talk to his manager
right away.

Eventually the wife got so nervous as the man had created an
ugly scene in the restaurant. At that point, she tried to calm him down by
pulling his arm. However, the man had inarguably made a mountain out
of a molehill.

  Nevertheless, the waiter didn't mind the situation at all. In fact, it
seems like as if he had been waiting for an excuse to leave his job.
The waiter told him upfront on his face that he quit his job and advised him
to enjoy his fly soup. Then he took out his apron and left the restaurant.

The wife got so upset and embarrassed because the man
had ruined her dinner and caused such a big commotion in the restaurant.
She got up and walked out on him while the man stood there with a
baffled expression on his face. I wondered if he had even realized the fact
that he had not just ruined her dinner, but ours too.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Unforgettable Scene in the Restaurant

Group members: Magdalena, Mohammad and Tenzin
I (Narrator) was with my family in this fine restaurant enjoying our meals

when a couple walks in. They are seated at a table next to ours. Soon,

it becomes clear that the man is not in a good mood. I could hear their

fragments of conversation, and the man confesses to his wife, "I am

not satisfied with this restaurant you picked."  Meanwhile, the wife seems

to be enjoying herself and she placed an order for a wine and the main

dish from the menu.  A moment later, the waiter served them their order

and left. Next, the man exclaims to his wife, "Look, there is a fly in my soup."

He got so mad, and screams at the waiter, "Hey you. Come here. Didn't

you see the dish before you serve it to a guest?"  Then he scowled and

shouted at the waiter, "You stupid waiter. I need to talk to your manager."

Then the wife got little nervous as all the people were staring at him and

she tries to calm him down by pulling his arm. However, the man

"makes a mountain out of a molehill."  Nevertheless, the waiter doesn't

seems to mind the situation at all. In fact, it appears like he has been

looking for an excuse to leave his job, and then he replied, "I quit and

enjoy your fly soup."  So he took out his apron and left the restaurant.

 And finally, the wife got so upset and embarrassed because the man

has ruined her dinner and caused such a big commotion in the restaurant.

Then she got up and walked out on him while the man stood there with a

baffled expression on his face. It was such a unforgettable incident that

I will never forget.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

In the article "A Bread-winner Rethinks Gender Roles" by M.P. Dunleavy which appeared in the New York Times newspaper, the author speaks about how a role of gender in a single-income household has changed where the provider is a woman, and being the sole earner to support a family, women do not get the equality benefit as men do. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hi! I'm Tenzin Tashigang from India. My freinds call me Tenz. I live with my sister in Woodside, Queens. I'm a transfer student and this is my first semester in LaGcc. I'm so happy that I have chosen LaGcc to be a part of my academic life. My major is Nursing which is a competitive career. But I'm gearing up to take this challenging ride of my life.

 By the way, I'm really enjoying ESR 098 class. My goal is to work hard and develop a good reading, writing, critical thinking skills in this class. With your efforts and invaluable source of guidance from Dr. Kim, we can plan our bright future. So guys buckle up and strive for it. All the best!